With approx. 40% of global emissions
attributed to the built environment, Griffen
is aware of its role, responsibility and
opportunity to make a difference.

A track record to be proud of.

Griffen has a long track record of commitment to environmentally friendly buildings.

Since 2017, all new buildings delivered by Griffen achieved BREEAM Excellent rating in both design and post-construction stage.

Working to UK Net Zero 2050.

Griffen recognises that its scope for positive impact is far wider than the buildings it delivers, and has engaged with Route2Sustainability Ltd on establishing an effective ESG strategy, in light of the UK commitment to Net Zero by 2050.

A global sustainability outlook.


Whilst every effort matters, UK’s carbon emissions only account for 1% of the global total. For this reason, from 2024 Griffen started collaborating with Ecologi on worldwide carbon-reducing projects.

For every 5 sq m of a new building, Griffen invests £1 to various Ecologi projects, such as tree planting around the world or habitat restoration.

Throughout all its activities, Griffen also observes the 3R’s of sustainability: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.



1. architecture2030.org, 2023
2. statista.com, 2022